December 13, 2008


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Last month I finished facilitating a 10-week workshop for Write Around Portland at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility. This week is the real payoff. On Wednesday night, at the First United Methodist Church in Goose Hollow, the writers from all of the Fall workshops will gather to read their writing published in the Fall Anthology Now/Past/Future. And on Thursday, I'll go to Coffee Creek to hear all of my workshop participants read. It's what makes all the weeks of work worth it.

How amazing it is that these participants, many of whom have never written before, get up in front of more than 200 people and read their work. That's a really hard thing to do. And it's such a satisfying, exhilarating feeling to be a part of it, even just by being part of the applause.

I invite each of you to come and be a part of it. It's free, and it's a great way to celebrate community this holiday season.

Wednesday, December 17th, 6:30 - 8:30pm

First United Methodist Church, Collins Hall

1838 SW Jefferson at the Goose Hollow Max stop